This direction is engaged in the doctor-phlebologist — specialist in vein diseases. A mandatory condition of recovery is a holistic approach.

The main goals of treatment:
- Compensation symptoms of venous insufficiency and improve the quality of life;
- prevention of complications and Troubleshooting in the event of;
- correction of aesthetic component.
By all means get rid of the disease can be divided into 2 groups:
- Without surgery (conservative);
- surgical.
Conservative course includes the adjustment of lifestyle, diet, medications, use of compression hosiery. Such actions strengthen the vascular wall and eliminate the violation of the venous outflow.
Surgical intervention should always be accompanied by elements of conservative treatment. This speeds up the recovery process after surgery and improves the results.
Without surgery
This therapy of varicose veins should not be opposed to surgical treatment. Both directions are used together and complement each other. Non-surgical treatment as the only method that is used when contraindications to surgery or when no longer needed it. Conservative can not cure varicose veins, but improve health and can slow the rate of disease progression.
When used:
- To prepare for surgery of patients with advanced forms of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI);
- there is an absolute or temporary contraindications to surgical intervention;
- for the rapid elimination of signs of impaired blood flow;
- for early rehabilitation in the postoperative period.
The principal objectives of the conservative movement:
- Prevention of complications and recurrence of the disease;
- restoration and conservation work;
- symptoms of CVI;
- improve the quality of life.
Surgical intervention
When severe varicose veins only conservative of course not. That the effect persisted, you need to hold it constantly. It POV due to the fact that bezoperatsionnye methods have only a supporting effect, therapy should be discontinued and the symptoms gradually begin to return.
When surgery is needed?
- The disease lasts for several years and there is a negative dynamics, despite ongoing therapy;
- need surgery for other diseases;
- varicose veins "prevent" elimination of co-morbidities;
- there is a high risk of thromboembolic complications;
- the connection was fine.
Surgical method is used for:
- Getting rid of the need for a permanent (lifetime) maintenance treatment;
- elimination of potential complications and symptoms of venous insufficiency;
- speedy recovery and enhancement of efficiency of therapy;
- achieve sustainable and lasting results;
- quickly achieve cosmetic effect.
Principles of surgical intervention
The contents of the treatment process is to remove the diseased veins. When planning surgery, the surgeon determines which blood vessels must be removed, and selects the most appropriate method of removal. The most common are: phlebectomy, miniphlebectomy, the influence of laser (EVLT) or radiofrequency (RFA), sclerotherapy. Read more about indications and contraindications of these procedures can be read here.
Deletion scientifically called phlebectomy. Traditionally considered combined phlebectomy, which includes several components:
- Elimination of the source of the reflux (reverse blood flow) through sapheno-femoral or sapheno-popliteal anastomosis;
- getting rid of the reflux in incompetent perforating veins;
- removal of the saphenous vein trunk and extended inflow.
Modern surgical techniques
Surgeons use modern can, which is less traumatic and can be performed on an outpatient basis. The rehabilitation period in minimally invasive procedures is faster and easier than after traditional surgery. Remember, before surgical manipulations needed training.
Sclerotherapy — elimination of spider veins by injecting a special drug inside which glue them together. The process is performed under ultrasound control.
Miniphlebectomy — removal via the puncture 2-3 mm. They do not require stitches, and scars are virtually absent.

Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) — a minimally invasive technique that "seals" the defective main vein with a special laser device. The light guide installed in the vessel and transmits laser energy to the wall. To undergo under local anesthesia without incisions and hospitalization.
Radiofrequency ablation — RFA is similar to EVLO, except for the fact that it is on the vascular wall not affected by laser radiation and high temperature source of which are radio-frequency oscillations.
RFA and EVLO – the two most common endovenous procedures for correction of varicose veins. Their goal is to eliminate reflux in a large and/or small saphenous vein. Performed on an outpatient basis, under local anaesthesia with ultrasound control, without incisions and hospital stay.
Treat varicose veins on legs at home
Start with lifestyle changes – eliminate the causes that provoke the development of the disease. Add physical activity, develop a balanced diet, treated for concomitant diseases, which increase varicose manifestations (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, constipation, diarrhea, cough), pick the right shoes, orthotics, get rid of bad habits (Smoking, alcohol abuse).
A sedentary lifestyle can cause disease. To reduce the symptoms, fortify your leg muscles. It helps to restore the correct operation of the soft Azovo-venous pump.
It is recommended to walk more, go swimming, do exercises that strengthen the legs: "Bicycle", "scissors", rotation stop, rolling with feet on the fifth fifth and walking alternately on his toes and drinking atah, all kinds of exercises with a rope. Practice Hiking, try using less Elevator.
In carrying out the work associated with prolonged sitting or standing, regularly arrange short breaks for carrying out physical exercises. Warm-up should be conducted every hour for 5-10 minutes. At this time stagnant in the extremities the blood is "pumped out" and toe becomes easier.
Watch power sports, lift weights – it can worsen the symptoms of the disease, to accelerate its progression. They are best avoided.
Compression therapy
Simple and effective treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities – compression. By the mechanical compression of the vessels diameter is reduced, the folds of the valves are closed, and the reverse flow becomes impossible. This method is good at the initial stage and is a required component of eliminating varicose veins at any severity.
Compression can be achieved by bandaging elastic bandage or wear special underwear. The use of gauze is now NOT recommended.
Depending on the level and extent of injury of the vessels provided by the compression socks, stockings, tights. All these products differ from each other by the compression level, color scheme, appearance, durability, quality material.
Wear compression stockings from morning to night, all day, removing it only to sleep. Like any garment, it requires care: proper washing and drying.
Normalization of body weight
Excess weight additionally to strain the circulatory system. Bring body weight to normal with a low calorie diet and increased physical activity. Weight only 5 kg is already leading to tangible effect. This reduces the heaviness in the lower limbs, night cramps disappear and the whole becomes easier.
To calculate the optimal weight by the formula: weight = growth– 100 +/- 10%. For example, with height 170 cm man should weigh from 63 to 77 kg (170-100 +/-7).
When drafting diet, consider that "antivarikozny" power supply serves several purposes:
- Improvement of the vascular wall and reduce the risk of thrombosis;
- prevention of constipation;
- normalization of weight.
The food should contain sufficient amount of fiber. It is useful to eat sea food, vegetable oils, especially unrefined.
Drinking regime
Drinking enough water to serve the prevention of constipation and blood clots. It is recommended to drink at least 2 litres of fluid a day. Not to consider drinking liquid, I recommend just not to suffer thirst. As soon as you want to drink, have immediately to do it, not leaving for later. The organism itself knows when and how much water he needs, giving us a sense of thirst.
Exaction of shoes and insoles
Do treat varicose veins the one who performs medical advice, including on the correct selection of shoes. It should be comfortable and have a heel no more than 5 cm.
The use of orthotic insoles are very useful. They support the arches of the foot, unload and ensure the correct biomechanics of movements. Soft Azovo-venous pump works more efficiently.
Physical therapy
Help to the main course – physiotherapy. These include a cold shower, magnetic therapy, BIOPTRON, ultrasound. In the home use devices "Almag", "Vitafon".
Sauna, Solarium, hot wraps when varicose veins should be discarded in order to avoid the development of pathology and the appearance of complications.

Folk remedies to combat varicose veins
Traditional medicines can be used as a complement to the basic therapy. Well established decoctions of herbs (chamomile, horsetail, horse chestnut, Hypericum, nettle). They are used for oral administration and in form of compresses and baths.
Unfortunately, most folk remedies have a weak effect and have a short effect that requires a long and regular use. They are retreating before modern methods and lose their relevance.
All items listed above (diet, Shoe selection, exercise) are suitable for home therapy. Ale and modern surgical techniques do not require you to stay in the hospital – many of them performed on an outpatient basis. The main thing – to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and in case of doubt, consult with your doctor.
Antivarikozny medication
Drugs that are assigned in pathology, divided into several groups according to their mechanism of action:
- Antiplatelet agents. It is believed that reduce the risk of blood clots, however, convincing scientific evidence is available only in relation to their preventive effect on the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries.
- Venotonic. Strengthens the venous wall, reduces swelling. This is the most frequently used group of drugs.
- Anticoagulants. Drugs based on heparin thin the blood, used to prevent and treat blood clots. Exist in the form of tablets, injections and ointments.
- Angioprotectors and proofreaders microcirculation. Improve blood circulation, microcirculation and vascular system.
When complications in the form of trophic ulcers using regenerating means and pow yazki for various purposes. Treatment of ulcers depends on the stage of the process, the volume of the tissue defect and other factors. In each situation, the treatment course is assigned individually.
Is it possible to cure varicose veins without doctors?
There is a perception that going to the doctor is necessary when pressed. But do not forget that the early initiation of treatment to bring the best results, the recovery is easier.
Treated at the doctor's clearly more efficient. Ale is not obvious that it is also cheaper. The costs of drugs and procedures are lower than in the self, because they have directed and take into account the specific features of your body.
Come to me patients who were using ineffective methods of treatment of varicose veins on the legs. They spend on one-time trip to the pharmacy a bit of money, but the effect is short-lived. Patients have to buy medications often and long hours. All this results in a significant amount.
If you decide to self-medicate, completely eliminating the assistance of a doctor, then ask yourself: "if I can Win this"?
Task phlebologist:
- Make sure that the problems with the lower extremities caused by varicose veins and only them. If the cause of the disease is different, or there are other diseases, the effectiveness of the exchange rate without considering comorbidity would be low.
- Pick efficient drugs that you can accept and the presence of other existing illnesses. It is necessary to consider the interaction of all accepted drugs.
- To pick up compression stockings. To purchase products it is necessary to decide how it should be (knee to hips), as well as to understand the necessary degree of compression.
The effectiveness of self-struggle with dilated veins can be estimated by the senses. If the treatments and medicines becomes easy and comfortable, you can continue to use them. If you feel discomfort, there are side effects, compounds have additional complaints, be sure to consult your doctor! Perhaps something goes wrong and need correction treatment.
There are many methods. And the task of the doctor – the choice of tactics that will provide a fast and stable result. I recommend a combination therapy that includes a variety of treatments and directions. It is the complexity helps to defeat varicose veins.